3 Engaging Activities That You Can Utilize Today

Being able to keep your students engaged is going to be a different challenge you face everyday. There are simple changes you can make to all aspects of your teaching that can easily get students more engaged. Learning is something that should be fun and wanted. When students are...

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The Incredible Benefits of Graphic Novels and Visual-Based Storytelling

Comics, manga, visual stories–they come in a variety shapes, sizes, and names. Graphic novels are a popular form of literature that combine text and images to tell a story. They have been around for centuries, but they have only recently become a recognized form of literature. In the past,...

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Bingo! How to Gamify Your Lessons And Engage Students

Keeping students engaged is one of the hardest challenges educators face every single day. Traditional teaching methods often struggle to capture students' attention and foster their active participation. That's where gamification comes into play—a dynamic approach that integrates game...

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Using Technology to Get Students Involved in Global Issues

World issues can be complex and difficult to understand, but it is our job as teachers to present these issues to students and teach them the impact these problems have on others. Getting students interested in global issues can be a challenging task. The average student isn't going to be...

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Get to Know Your Students Because They Are People Too

Teachers play a vital role in the lives of their students. They are responsible for not only teaching them academic subjects, but also for helping them to develop into well-rounded individuals. However, the classroom is only one part of a student's life. Teachers are painfully unaware of the...

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Engaging Reluctant Readers through the Power of Graphic Novels

Reading is an essential skill that opens doors to knowledge, imagination, and personal growth. However, many students find traditional books daunting and struggle to develop a love for reading. This is where graphic novels come in as a powerful tool to engage reluctant readers. With their...

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5 Ways Digital Literacy Can Help Your Teaching

Digital literacy is the ability to use technology effectively and responsibly. It is a critical skill in today's world, where we are increasingly reliant on technology for everything from communication to education to entertainment.

Digital literacy is more than just knowing how to Google school...

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10 Easy Tips That All Educators Should Follow

Educators are always looking for ways to improve their teaching and help their students learn more effectively. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a number of quick fixes that can make a big difference.

Here are 10 quick fixes that every educator can use:

  1. Get to know your...
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Teaching Inclusivity Using Student-Centered Learning Activities

In today's increasingly diverse classrooms, it is more important than ever for teachers to be culturally inclusive. This means creating a learning environment where all students feel welcome, respected, and valued, regardless of their background or culture.

One way to create a culturally...

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6 General Principles All Teachers Should Use to Improve Classroom Management

Classroom management is one of the most important aspects of teaching. A well-managed classroom is a productive classroom, where students can learn and grow. However, classroom management can be challenging, especially for new teachers.

There are many different approaches to classroom...

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